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Luxury home agents live off the economy's fat, yet many put on airs as if they're members of the class whose homes they're selling, and eye underdressed open-house visitors jobs that make the most money with the least work as if they're casing the joint. 5) Motivational speakers and ex-politicians on the lecture circuit.Whether it's for knighted ex-Mayor Rudy Guiliani or Tom "In Search of Excellence" Peters, corporate trade groups pay astronomical sums to celebrity-types and political has-beens to address their convention audiences. Former President Reagan raised the bar back in 1989 when he took million from Japanese business groups for making two speeches.

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Commerce - as they did during the online part time job on net FDR years - and command exorbitant wages, even though their work is more automated and less hazardous than in the what self employed jobs make the most money days of "On the Waterfront." 7) Skycaps at major airports. Many of the uniformed baggage handlers who check in luggage at curbside at the busiest metro airports pull in,000 to 0,000 a year - most of it in cash. On top of their salaries, peak earners can take in 0 or more a day in tips.That amounts to a tip from 18 travelers an hour on average. Many tip more than that. While most skycaps are cordial, a good many treat customers with blank indifference, knowing harried travelers don't want to brave counter check-ins, especially in the post 9/11 age.6) Real estate agents selling high-end homes. Anyone who puts in a little effort can pass the test to get a real estate agent's license, which makes the vast sums that luxury-home agents earn stupefying. While most agents hustle tail to earn,000 a year, those in affluent areas can pull down 0,000-plus for half the effort, courtesy of the fatter commissions on pricier listings.

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It's as much the airplane mechanics who hold our fate in their hands. 8) West Coast longshoremen, in early 2002, West Coast ports shut down as the longshoremen's union fought to preserve generous health-care benefits that would make most Americans drool. The union didn't demand much in wage hikes for good reason: Its members already were making a boatload of money.Next year, West Coast dockworkers will earn an average of 2,000 for handling cargo, according to the Pacific Maritime Association, their employer. Office clerks who log shipping records into computers will earn 6,000. And work from home in the in america unionized foremen who oversee the rank-and-file will pull down an average 7,000.Unlike their East Coast union brethren who compete with non-union ports in the South and Gulf of Mexico, the West Coast stevedores have an ironfisted lock on Pacific ports. Given their rare monopoly, they can disrupt.S.

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Much of their work is mediocre as a result. How often have you really been wowed flipping the pages of a wedding album handed you by recent newlyweds? Photographers who long for the day they can say "I don't do weddings" should leave the work to the dedicated ones who.9) Major airline pilots, while American and United pilots recently took pay cuts, senior captains earn as much as 0,000 a year at Delta, and their counterparts at other major airlines still earn about 0,000 to 5,000 - several times pilot pay at regional carriers. By comparison, senior pilots make up to 40 percent less at low-fare carriers like Jet Blue and Southwest, though some enjoy favorable perks like stock options. That helps explain why their employers are profitable while several of the majors are still teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.The pilot's unions are the most powerful in the industry. They demand premium pay as if still in the glory days of long-gone Pan Am and TWA, rather than the cutthroat, deregulated market of under-0 coast-to-coast roundtrips. In what amounts to a per-passenger commission, the larger the plane, can i make extra money from home the more they earn - even though it takes little more skill to pilot a jumbo jet.

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"With pro athletes, one owner is willing to pay big money for a star player and then all the other players want to keep up with the Joneses Coleman said. "The art with CEO pay is making sure your CEO is above the median - and you see where that goes.". What follows is a list of the 10 most overpaid jobs in the.S., in reverse order, drafted with input from compensation experts: 10) Wedding photographers, photographers earn a national average of,900 for a wedding, though many charge,500 to,000 for a one-day.The overpaid ones are the many who admit they only do weddings for the income, while quietly complaining about the hassle of dealing with hysterical brides and drunken reception guests. They mope easy ways to make money while unemployed through the job with the attitude: "I'm just doing this for the money until Time or National Geographic calls.".

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Hollywood stars making million a movie or million per TV-season qualify for many people's overpaid list. But for every one of those actors and actresses, there are a thousand waiting tables and taking bit movie parts or regional theater roles awaiting a big break that never comes. Join how to make extra money with stocks the "Shades of Green" discussion."A lot of people are overpaid because there are certain things consumers just don't want screwed up said Bill Coleman, senior vice president of compensation for. "You wouldn't want to board a plane flown by a second-rate pilot or hire a cheap wedding photographer to record an event you hope happens once in your lifetime.

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SAN francisco (MarketWatch) - Almost no one in America would admit to being overpaid, but many of us take home bloated paychecks far beyond what we deserve. "Fair compensation" is a relative term, yet HR consultants and executive headhunters agree some jobs command excessive pay that can't be explained how to make money trading goods by labor supply-and-demand imbalances. And while it's easy to argue chief executives, lawyers and movie stars are overpaid, reality is not that cut and dried.Corporate attorneys earn 0-plus an hour and plaintiffs lawyers pocket a third of big personal-injury settlements, but local prosecutors and public defenders get paid little in comparison. Specialty surgeons may earn million or more, while some family-practice doctors are hard-pressed to pay off medical-school loans.
