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As soon as enough nations bow in can you really make money working from home worship to the Pope and his long prophesied November 04, 2016 COP21 Paris agenda confirmed, he will soon drop the other shoe and use the calamities on earth as a way to enforce his Sunday laws. Everywhere you look the roads are getting thinner due to more traffic. The bottom line here is, literally billions of people on earth know for a fact now the planet's not warming at all.And we also know global warming is a lie because the Vatican's small handful of bought and paid for scientists cannot refute the scientific facts nor can the Vatican effectively kill off 31,487 American Scientists that have exposed their lies. But if they were to do the math ( as they did in this video ) the entire population of earth could easily fit in a small city about the size of Palestine's geographical footprint!

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Problem is, you can't fire everyone, you can't pay off everyone and you certainly can't kill everyone that may eventually speak out against you. Video: Catholic leaders: climate change on same level as abortion and death penalty "Opposition to abortion and the death penalty have long been cardinal beliefs for the Roman Catholic church, whose faithful make up about a quarter of all Americans.Scientist fired for refusing to sanction false data on global warming "The Obama administration withheld information from Congress and improperly fired an employee as part of a politically motivated make money online using internet push to end a Department of Energy (DOE) program, House Republicans say. So many bogus agendas swirling around the White House now-a-days that when one comes into view i need to make money to pay for school that can jeopardize the most current and focused false agenda of the first beast in Rome, anyone threatening that agenda, and this includes those that have well documented evidence.Christian prophecy will never fail. After all, they need this to be able to push the mark forward globally.

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Rome is going to push this to the hilt and even though we all know it's a lie, and the bought and paid for media will run with it no matter what Trump or anyone else in power has to say about it because Rome. Last time when the first movie came out it caught everyone off guard.He claimed it would be 100 gone by now. The strange weather events all over the planet the last few years reveals the calamities the Pope will soon use are escalating to a fever pitch as expected. Thats despite the massive online job for student in the usa spread of SUVs, the use of coal-fired power plants to generate heat for homes and gasoline-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers.And if you quit young enough they will totally heal with 5 years. The apartments are getting taller to pack in more people.

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But the God that made the planet is the same that made the human body. In fact, let's start there. The three feet of snow in the Sahara Desert is just one make extra money now of many ways to prove that.The majority of the people in the smog choked cities bought into the lie and their own eyes will be deceiving them daily against the truth. This is why the jet streams change and the weather with. In fact, download google earth, or look at a map or a globe that has city names.

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As for the death penalty. In other words, this won't be going away anytime soon.Quit smoking and i how to make money you will see, depending how long you smoked, your lungs will pink up within a month to a year. . As Christians we have a way to expose the lie and prove the truth! It also allows them to keep a huge voting bloc at the ready knowing their parishioners will vote pro-Catholic because their 501c3 priests ignore 100 of every rule and regulation posted in the fine print of that contract the dying god of this world inspired.

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One thing I do expect to happen with this movie is that there will be many more viewers who this time will actually have plenty of much more credible (good) science behind them so as to take this movie apart bit by bit and piece. The mark will be enforced soon.In other words, the so called population explosion problem is astronomically nowhere near an actual problem for planet earth. But as prophesied, the lie will still continue and the overwhelming majority will believe it when the Pope says we need Sunday Laws to stop all the calamities brought on by global warming.Science has proven we are actually going through a normal cooling cycle just as the planet has done many times before in its 6000 year history. Click here for a growing page on my website exposing the Catholic how can i make money from home quick? hospitals that do kill little girls and boys as well as some comments from the present Pope making abortion appear as a lesser sin with the Lord in recent days.

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It's easy to see as the nose on your face. In fact, click here for a growing compilation of articles and videos confirming that as a fulfilled prophetic fact. All those SUV's, coal burners, lawn mowers, and flatulent cows how to make money investing cash have no real effect on the air we breathe unless we live in a valley wherein the pollution can linger.What if fighting climate change becomes an equally passionate issue in parishes nationwide? But I will end this here as I hope to share a tad more in next Sabbath's sermon on this regard. Those city dwelling people will easily believe it because to them, that's the basic reality of their society.The posting Tuesday from Steven Goddard, blogs under the pseudonym Tony Heller, featured the image of a 1940 Townsville Daily Bulletin report that ice measurements were on an average only 6 feet, according to a just-returned expedition of Soviet explorers." - Source None of this. The report released Monday goes even further, accusing the DOE of a scheme to withhold information from congressional staff to push Obamas climate goals.
