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The editing is a shambles, it's so crappy in the action sequences. Could be much better.Hire more qualified people, it's worth. The believability of best way to make money in koa reckoning some legal situations are a bit dodgy.

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Pros: The script writing. The actors aren't Hollywood good-looking.But they are a good match with the scripts. Subtle little moments of humour, that you work from home in canada ontario have to see visually and/or hear. Something ha ha will be thrown in there when you least expect.

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I like that they're in their 30's and not all 90210 on viewers. Storyline: Definitely make money using android an action show, and it's done adequately.Some cheesy stuff, some wow stuff, some well acted scenes. A few roll your eyes moments, but that keeps in part with the way the original was.

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The new version just gives us periodic quick flashes of scenery some of which look like they are not real shots but artificially created ones. Finally, there was the plot of the new show, - confusing, conventional, and not comparable to the thoughtful, suspenseful plots of the original that dealt with such issues as the theft of art work, espionage, child kidnapping, and con jobs performed on servicemen enjoying.I remember with particular pleasure the the three part series on the Vashon crime family and the attempts of first Harold how to make money right now with no money Gould as the father and then Luther Adler as the grandfather to destroy McGarrett because of the death of the grandson. There were great guest stars too, including Hal Holbrook, Ed Asner, Hume Cronyn, and even Helen Hayes. The original Hawaii Five-0 was unique.I resent the attempt to use it to gussy up an otherwise conventional show that on its own might not last a year. I enjoyed the pilot episode, it's got some heart. Actors: Main 3 are cookie how to make money on stock market cutter, nearly identical birth years.

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Login: Email: Password: Account, plugins and features, support. Plans pricing, about Us, legal. Why won't Hollywood stop these re-makes and allow us to enjoy our memories?Whoever came up with the crazy idea of trying to make what is basically a conventional cops-and-robbers shoot 'em up blow'em up show special by linking it to one of the classiest shows ever produced should have his membership card in the scriptwriters union revoked. Did they think the nostalgia factor would attract new viewers? Why call the two leads Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams when their age, appearance, mannerisms, behavior, and above all their relationship bear no resemblance whatsoever to Jack Lord and James MacArthur?Why change the sex make money quick with nothing down of Kono? Why include an abbreviated version of the original theme music? Hawaii is an exotic backdrop for any show but the original Hawaii Five-0 introduced it naturally as the action took us from the mansions of Kahala to the slums of King Street and to such places as the campus of the university, Kapiolani Park, the.

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